January is the perfect time to refocus on health and fitness, and who better to inspire you than Vicci Lee – a fitness champion who has turned her passion into purpose. From overcoming challenges to winning bodybuilding titles, Vicci’s story is one of resilience, determination, and the power of staying active. Read on to discover her incredible journey, practical tips, and how you can benefit from her expertise…
From Treadmills to Triumphs
January is a time for fresh starts, health kicks, and setting new goals. For Vicci Lee, though, fitness is far more than a New Year’s resolution—it’s a lifelong passion that has seen her rise from a curious gym-goer to a celebrated bodybuilding champion. Her story is one of determination, discipline, and unwavering commitment to self-improvement.
Vicci’s fitness journey began at the age of 17, when she first joined a gym. “I mainly just ran for ages on treadmills and wasn’t really sure what I was doing,” she laughs. But with her natural drive to excel, she quickly evolved beyond cardio. Her dedication to strength training led to eight years of competitive bodybuilding, during which she thrived on the structured, goal-oriented nature of the sport. “I was either prepping for competitions, focusing on off-seasons, or dieting—I didn’t really stop that whole time!”
Fitness Champion Vicci Lee
The Big Win
Her hard work paid off in 2015 when Vicci was crowned Miss Toned Figure at the Anglian Bodybuilding Championships. “I was just so happy,” she says. “The best part was performing my routine. I added some dance moves to make it more ‘me,’ and the crowd went wild!” For Vicci, the win wasn’t just about the trophy—it was a testament to her resilience, focus, and sheer determination.
Overcoming Setbacks
But her journey hasn’t been without challenges. In 2019, while preparing for what she planned to be her final year of competing, Vicci suffered a severe injury: three herniated thoracic spine discs. “I’d always had a few upper back niggles that I ignored, but one day the pain was unbearable,” she explains. The injury forced her to rest and rethink her approach to fitness. Though stepping away from competitive bodybuilding was a difficult decision, Vicci refused to give up on her passion for staying active. “I had to make the tough call to focus more on my overall health and my dance career, but fitness will always be in my blood.”
Fitness as a Lifestyle
Today, Vicci trains not for trophies but for happiness, health, and strength. Her weekly routine combines weights, cardio, and stretching, alongside teaching dance classes and walking everywhere she can. “My focus now is on staying agile, strong, and energised—I feel weird if I miss a session!”
Advice for January Fitness Goals
For those embarking on their own fitness journeys this January, Vicci’s advice is simple yet powerful: “Invest in a knowledgeable coach who understands your individual needs. Stay disciplined with your gym routine and diet. And most importantly, prioritise health—quick fixes aren’t worth it.”
Vicci believes fitness is more than just about physical results—it’s a transformative experience that impacts every aspect of life. “Exercise has helped me stay positive and motivated, even during tough times. Once you find what you love, keep doing it. Fitness will change your life.”
Her story is proof that with the right mindset and commitment, anyone can achieve their goals and turn passion into purpose.
Vicci Lee
Full interview with Vicci:
How long have you been involved in fitness and bodybuilding, and what first inspired you to start?
So, I’ve always danced and loved fitness/sports since a VERY early age. I was dancing at 3 and always was part of school teams/clubs, etc. I joined a gym at around 17/18, and it soon became my obsession! Being a dancer, I always wanted to be at my peak and perform at my highest standard, so joining a gym and training hard became second nature to me. Although when I first joined, I mainly just ran for ages on treadmills and wasn’t sure what I was doing 100%. I was heavy into bodybuilding for 8 years solid, either prepping for comps/off seasons/dieting, etc! I didn’t really stop that whole time—it was pretty full-on! I’ll always be into fitness, though—forever!
What is your proudest achievement from being a personal trainer/bodybuilder?
Oh, definitely when I won Miss Toned Figure at the Anglian Bodybuilding Champions 2015. I’d spent a couple of years before that trying to get into bodybuilding and not really getting what I wanted out of it. It wasn’t popular then, so I had little knowledge and just paid a local PT to help me a bit. It was only when somebody told me about a local lady bodybuilder, Josie Keck, that I really managed to up my game, and she helped me achieve that big win! I was so happy—all my gym mates and family were there to support me and knew how hard I’d worked. It was such a feeling of joy that I couldn’t take it in! The best bit was performing the routine, so I added some dance moves to make it more me, and the crowd went wild! Just so happy!
What drives your motivation to keep pushing forward, and how do you maintain your focus on self-improvement?
It’s just always in me to do my best. I can’t not! I know that it’s only me that can do it—I have to show up, put the hard work in to get the results. I always want to perform, train, and look the best I can, and spending time in the gym and lifting weights just makes me feel I am. I’ve got so much energy; the motivation is just always there! I want more! I feel weird if I don’t do my planned sessions—it’s like a missed opportunity, you know? Luckily, I listen to my body more nowadays and value rest days as much as training days.
How important is it to challenge your limits, and can you share an example of a time you pushed through a tough moment?
I think it’s important to push yourself in life, and if you have a desire to achieve something, you should do your best and give it your all. If you have a dream or an ambition, just go for it! Always try to work hard, whatever you do—having an inner drive and motivation is your own superpower. I had many tough moments during my comp preps—the hunger, the low energy, and self-doubt. The worst time I remember was when I actually had to give up competing due to herniating three thoracic spine discs! It was 2019, and two days into working with a new coach, ready to do my final year competing. I’d always had a few upper back niggles that I ignored, but one day the pain was unbearable—I hurt myself in the gym, had to rush to A&E, and waited four hours in agony, to not even have a scan. Weeks later, I had an MRI, and they told me I had three herniated discs, probably caused by heavy lifting/dancing/posture when lifting, etc. We all went into lockdown soon after, so I had to rest, recover, and rethink my choices. I had to make the hard decision that bodybuilding shows probably wouldn’t be wise for me anymore, and I should concentrate on my dance career more. It was a tough time accepting the injury, but I kept strong and trained/danced around it.
Vicci Lee | Professional Dancer
Consistency is key in training—what strategies or habits help you stay disciplined?
My inner drive of wanting to keep muscle/shape/fitness keeps me disciplined. I’ve learned so much about diet/food choices and know it all goes hand in hand. I love routine, structure, and eating the foods I enjoy, which may be boring to some, but I genuinely love them! A lot of trial and error has happened, but ultimately once you find what works for you, it becomes easy to stick to.
For anyone looking to achieve a shredded physique, what are your top three must-follow tips?
Invest in a knowledgeable coach/fitness nutritionist who has a proven track record of healthy, natural results. Someone who listens and will help you achieve your goal—not give you a “one plan for all,” as everyone’s body is so different. Discipline with your gym routine AND diet plan—you have to stick to both. Stay healthy—don’t do a quick fix! You can get/be shredded by eating real, healthy food. The amounts may vary of what you can eat, and it may be hard to stick to sometimes, but it can be done.
What do you find to be the most challenging part of getting into peak shape, and how do you overcome it?
For a bodybuilding comp, the closer you get to the show, calories do drop somewhat, and carbs can be limited sometimes! So, trying not to focus on how hungry you are is challenging. Nobody likes or wants to feel hungry, but unfortunately, bodybuilding is extreme, and it’s not for everyone. Keeping an inner drive and focus on what you are doing it for helps. Know that it’s a temporary measure, and ultimately your choice. Nothing is worth being unhappy for.
Many people struggle with gym motivation. What advice would you give to someone who feels stuck or unmotivated?
Truly think: “What do I want, and how am I going to achieve it?” Motivation has to come from within. So, to make a change, you have to do it yourself. Make fitness fun—try different things and see what you enjoy most. There are so many options of how to get fit and move around, so once you find what you love, keep doing it.
As we’ve recently entered a New Year, many will have made fitness resolutions. What are your top three tips for sticking to those goals long-term?
I’m a big believer in routine! Once you start doing something you enjoy, make it part of your every day, every week, every month, etc. Even simple, easy things like walking every day or not eating a chocolate bar daily. Same as brushing teeth, hair, a shower, etc.—make your resolutions a good habit.
Nutrition is a big part of training success. How do you structure your meals, and what role does diet play in achieving results?
Diet and nutrition are key! It’s so, so very important. What you eat/drink massively affects everything, from your brain function, gut health, body movement, sleep, skin, hair, nails, etc., not to mention energy levels—which you need to keep positive, happy, and motivated! I, myself, have tried so many diets, routines, etc., and thankfully know what my body suits/needs. I plan my meals to eat roughly the same amount every day, with protein, carbs, and fats. I don’t overeat, but if I fancy something once a week that’s a treat to me, I’ll have it. I train hard, dance hard, and walk everywhere, so I know if I don’t eat enough of what I need, my body and brain power will suffer. I meal prep when going away/staying in a hotel or take sensible food choices so I know I have healthy options. Training and nutrition go hand in hand—to eat well and look good inside and out.
Fitness Champion Vicci Lee
What are your current fitness goals, and how do they inspire your day-to-day efforts?
Currently, I train to keep happy, healthy, and strong. I dance so much, so I like to keep agile and powerful. It’s a big mix of weights, cardio, and stretches. I pretty much train five times a week, walk everywhere, teach two dance raves a week, and dance at the weekends! When I was building a lot of muscle, my cardio had to drop, which I hated! So, I’m happier with more movement, as that’s what I’ve always done. My routine is normally a push, pull, legs structure, with two rest days.
How has being in great physical shape positively impacted your mental health and overall happiness?
Thank you! To me, especially as a dancer/performer, it’s everything. I have to feel confident and comfortable as best I can in my skin. I know how I feel best, and I have to work hard to achieve it. My mental health, like everyone’s, can have highs and lows, but I know exercise always makes me feel happier and positive.
Finally, what’s one piece of advice you’d give to anyone looking to embark on their fitness journey?
Just go for it! Don’t hold back! Any kind of movement is great—it will change your life!